Friday, May 11, 2007

Retail Real Estate

Retail real estate is a common type of commercial development. There are several types of retail real estate commercial developments. A few types of these developments include strip mall centers, neighborhood centers, community centers, shopping centers and more. All of these centers provide space for businesses to sell their goods and services. These centers usually have one very large national tenant.

Strip centers are usually four acres or smaller. The stores found in strip centers are usually fast food restaurants, cafes & diners, dry cleaners, video rentals and other small stores that specialize in convenience.

Neighborhood centers are larger and are generally anchored by a large grocery, drug or electronic store. This is a good opportunity for small local shops to become a tenant. These centers can be found in medium to large sized suburban areas with a population of above 5,000. In larger residential communities, sometimes two or more neighborhood centers with large commercial stores can be found due to competition.

A large type of retail commercial development is the regional shopping mall. Theses usually have several large anchors, usually department stores. Every type of business could be found in a shopping mall because of its attraction to shoppers. Large investors handle regional shopping malls because of the enormous amount of money it takes to get one started. Another trend is small outdoor malls where both normal and discount stores can compete with regional indoor malls.

Retail real estate is a popular and risky venture that many investors like to take on. You can find the centers popping up all over the nation. Wherever there is a neighborhood lacking commercial stores, an investment opportunity should be sought.

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